Ministro de Guerra, Lloyd Austin, emite disculpa por su estancia clandestina en el hospital


War Minister Lloyd Austin Issues Apology for Clandestine Hospital Stay

After being brought to the hospital in December without informing his chain of command, the US Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, has issued an apology. Mr. Austin, who is 70 years old, was discharged last month after undergoing therapy for prostate cancer.

“I messed up with this,” he admitted. “I should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis.”

As the head of the Pentagon, Mr. Austin is required to be ready to respond to any emergency involving the nation’s security at any time. In his first press conference since his return to work, he took full responsibility for his actions and apologized to his teammates and the American people.

“I don’t usually discuss personal matters with my employer, but I will say that I have personally apologized to President Biden,” Mr. Austin said. “I told him that I’m deeply sorry for not immediately informing him about my diagnosis and treatment.”

When questioned about whether his directives were disregarded by his team, Mr. Austin avoided giving a direct answer. He stated that he had never instructed anyone to conceal his hospital stay from the public or the White House. He assured reporters that confidentiality was not something he had fostered.

As one of the most influential members of the Cabinet, the defense secretary holds a position just below the president in the US military’s chain of command. It is important for the defense secretary to maintain open communication and transparency, especially regarding his health.

Mr. Austin underwent prostate cancer surgery around the end of December. However, due to complications related to the procedure, he was readmitted to the hospital on New Year’s Day. The release of an audio recording of a 911 call made on that day in response to a freedom of information request shed light on the situation.

In the highly censored four-minute conversation, an individual can be heard requesting that an ambulance does not arrive with lights and sirens to transport Mr. Austin to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland. A member of Mr. Austin’s staff, who remains unnamed, mentioned the need to remain discreet during the conversation.

Surprisingly, the White House and senior defense officials were unaware of Mr. Austin’s critical illness until three days after his readmission to the hospital. This lack of communication has raised concerns about security and transparency.

Despite his illness, Mr. Austin continued to engage in his duties. From his hospital bed, he authorized numerous attacks against Houthi insurgents located near the Red Sea in Yemen, demonstrating his commitment to his responsibilities and his determination to protect national security.

President Biden, while expressing confidence in Mr. Austin’s leadership abilities, has deemed the situation “sub-optimal” due to the lack of disclosure regarding the severity of the defense secretary’s sickness.

In response to the security and transparency concerns raised by the incident, three inquiries have been initiated to investigate Mr. Austin’s response.

As the war minister issues his apology, the focus now shifts to ensuring that such lapses in communication and transparency are not repeated in the future. It is crucial for leaders in positions of power to maintain open lines of communication and be forthcoming about their health and well-being to ensure the smooth functioning and trust in government institutions.